Extra Depth Orthopedic Shoes for Men

Extra Depth Orthopedic Shoes for Men

Extra-Extra Depth Shoes for men have the extra space and depth required to house large insoles like the ankle-foot orthosis (AFOs). These orthotic friendly shoes are also ideal for diabetics that suffer from swelling in the feet and ankles. For these reasons, extra depth and extra-extra depth footwear are excellent options for those looking to address these and other conditions which necessitate improved room compared to the average footwear.

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The Perfect Fit for AFOs
AFOs are a type of brace constructed of plastic. They are worn around the leg and foot to provide support for the ankle. The larger and bulkier nature of this insert means that choosing a shoe that will fit this attachment comfortably is very difficult.

There are few shoe stores that will offer this type of specialty shoe at a fair and reasonable price. Some people opt to alter their shoes by removing the insole and fitting in the inserts, but there is a way to leave the insole in and fit the AFOs. To allow for the size and shape of the AFOs, the shoes must have a deep insole. This where extra-extra depth shoes come in.

Extra-extra depth shoes have a deep enough internal pocket to fit the brace and the foot without removing the original insole. Extra Room for Diabetic Feet
For diabetics foot injuries are a serious issue. Ulcers, blisters and swelling are just a few of the ailments they have to constantly be on the lookout for. Closed-toe, comfortable and protective shoes are preferred.

Extra-extra depth shoes offer some space in the shoe to discourage issues like blisters and ulcers. They also offer extra room in case of painful swelling. With diabetic neuropathy small wounds can turn into big health issues so having comfortable shoes that fit and do not constrict the feet is very important to maintaining healthy feet.

At Healthy Feet Store, even our extra-extra depth shoes are available in a huge range of styles including causal, dress, and athletic. We even have sandals and work shoes. Browse through our extra-extra depth collection to find the right pair of shoes for your lifestyle.

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