
How Shin Splints Happen | Shin Splints Prevention

Shin splints are a common source of pain among athletes. In fact, shin splits are the cause of 13 percent of all running injuries. This condition causes an aching or throbbing pain which may be felt while exercising or after. Sometimes, it is a chronic pain, or it goes away once you've stopped exercising.

If you think you have shin splints, put your workout on hiatus. Shin splints, otherwise known as tibial stress syndrome, are basically a symptom of an underlying problem, whether it's flat feet, shoes with insufficient support or another issue. If you continue to work out when you have shin splints, the pain and problem can worsen. Consult your doctor if you think you are having pain from shin splints.

What are the Causes of Shin Splints?

The most common shin splints cause is swollen and overused muscles. In some cases, they may develop due to stress fractures in the lower leg or overpronation.

When the leg muscles swell, they become irritated and painful if you forget to warm-up or stretch before an exhausting workout. Stress fractures (hairline breaks in bones) can form if there is an intense change to the workout, such as switching to a harder, less forgiving workout surface. Overpronation can slowly occur if you are not wearing proper athletic shoes or arch support inserts. If you continue to work out without proper arch support, your feet's arches will drop, thereby increasing your risk of developing shin splints pain along with foot paint and other foot and leg problems.

How to Prevent Shin Splints

Many athletes experience shin splints, but with proper precautions, they can be prevented. Wear high-quality, supportive and cushioned athletic shoes; do not wear worn-out athletic shoes. If your athletic shoes do not have arch support for your feet, buy arch support inserts to reduce your chances of getting foot fatigue or flat feet. Cushioned and moisture-wicking athletic socks are also beneficial for your foot health.

Take the time to stretch before you do any type of physical activity, and warm up before partaking in an intense workout. Run or workout on soft surfaces, like a padded floor, grass or sand, to prevent hairline fractures causing shin splints. Build an exercise program for yourself where you gradually train harder each day to lower your chances of getting shin splints pain; don't take huge leaps in your workout routine because that can inflame your muscles. Finally, give your muscles enough rest in between strenuous workouts.

Products for Preventing Shin Splints

At Healthy Feet Store, you'll find a great selection of shoe inserts and orthotics designed for shin splints prevention. Choose from these products to get the support you need and relieve pain associated with this condition. When you shop on our site, you'll enjoy everyday low prices on high-quality, doctor-recommended products from trusted name brands. In addition, we offer free shipping and easy returns and FREE exchanges.