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Different Sized Feet

Healthy Feet Store and Dr. Hurless team up!

Choosing the right shoes is essential for maintaining foot health and preventing further problems.

Different Sized Feet

Common Foot Problems for Men

Throughout their lives, many men develop foot diseases and issues, but they are frequently overlooked or left untreated.

Different Sized Feet

Is It Time For New Sneakers?

Are you aware that working out in old sneakers can actually harm your body?

Different Sized Feet

Slippers Recommended for Cold Feet

Cold feet can’t always be resolved with a pair of socks, no matter how thick and fluffy they are...

Different Sized Feet

10 Pairs of Podiatrist Approved Party-Ready Shoes

No one wants soreness or injuries to slow them down during the holidays...

Different Sized Feet

What Makes A Supportive Shoe?

Wearing comfortable, supportive, stable shoes during your day-to-day life now will help existing pain and prevent heel pain in the future. ...

Different Sized Feet

5 Warning Signs Your Shoes Are Ruining Your Feet

Even though foot pain is one of the more obvious signs that a new pair is needed, there are also numerous other signs to keep an eye out for. ...

Different Sized Feet

5 Shoes Recommended for Foot Pain

One of the easiest ways to keep foot pain from getting in your way is to rethink the shoes you're wearing and what you put in them...

Different Sized Feet

Different Sized Feet

We often think of feet as a perfectly matching pair—but having two different sized feet is actually more common than you may think...

Different Sized Feet

Why Women Experience More Foot Problems Than Men

Numerous differences exist between men and women with regard to the foot and ankle. The shape, size, and architecture of the structures exhibit many distinctions between them...

Different Sized Feet

Are Flip-Flops and Sandals Always Bad for Your Feet?

In general, most flip flops are not good for your feet, however, that doesn’t mean that all flip flops are bad...

Different Sized Feet

Why Do My Orthotics Squeak in My Shoes?

This “squeaking” can happen with orthotics, or any type of over-the-counter arch supports or inserts...

Different Sized Feet

10 Common Foot Problems and How to Treat Them

The feet are responsible for handling a lot of force and weight throughout the duration of our lives...

Different Sized Feet

Are Different Sized Feet Normal?

According to industry research, roughly 60 percent of adults have one foot that is bigger than the other...

Keep Your Feet Happy and Healthy this Holiday Season

No one wants soreness or injuries to slow them down during the holidays, so it’s important to care for your feet so they can carry you through all those seasonal celebrations and chores...

Choosing the Right Running Shoes

Running is great exercise, but if you are not wearing the right shoes, you may be putting yourself at risk for injuries and pain. Before you run, make sure that you are wearing properly-fitted running shoes...

10 Facts I Bet You Didn’t Know About Your Feet

Did you know that your feet are constantly ‘talking’ to your brain? They’re packed with around 200,000 nerve endings per foot which are incredibly responsive...

Healthy Alternatives to Flip Flops

Differences in the structure of women's feet can put them at greater risk for foot injuries. Women tend to have more loose ligaments, a wider forefoot, shorter arch length and metatarsals, as well as greater plantar flexion and range of motion...

Back to School Foot Care Tips

It’s back to school time! Time to toss your kids’ summer flip-flops aside and head back to school with pain-free feet..…...

Healthy Alternatives to Flip Flops

This season can bring out the worst in foot and heel pain as we transition to different shoes that are more suited for the hotter weather...

Flat Feet vs. High Arch

We spend so much of our lives on our feet, whether it is at work or during our favorite hobbies or activities. After a while, it can take a toll on our bodies...

10 Best Walking Shoes For Miles of Comfort

If you're keen to get out and have chosen walking as your activity of choice, then perhaps you need to consider which shoes will be the best for you and your feet...

The Clues Are In Your Shoes

Have you ever noticed that one part of your shoe is always wearing down before another part? Maybe one side wears down more quickly than another. If you start to notice this, it could be a sign that the pressure on your feet is being distributed unevenly...

What Is This Pain In My Big Toe?

People don't realize the importance of your toes until one of them starts to hurt, especially if it's the big toe. It does more work that you may realize and bears about half your weight each time you take a step...

How Do You Know When You Need New Shoes?

If you ask shoe manufacturers, they would recommend new shoes every 200 - 500 miles. That is quite a large range and how do you actually know when you've reached that many miles! There a difference between everyday shoes and running shoes...

Are You Washing This Body Part In The Shower?

When you shower every day, you can deplete your body of natural oils leaving your skin dry and flaky...

What's the Meta with your foot? Metatarsalgia?

Meta.what? Metatarsalgia. This is the medical name for pain in the ball of the foot. Metatarsalgia is not really a diagnosis, but rather a symptom, however, many doctors will call your condition by this term...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Wearing Shoes Inside?

It's time to redefine the term house shoes". My grandmother used to call her slippers, her house shoes". When we say house shoes" we aren't talking about slippers or flip flops, we're talking about a supportive shoe that you would wear outside...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Is Coronavirus causing your feet to become Fred Flintstone" feet?

As the cases of coronavirus continue occurring around the world , we are seeing an increase in people with "Flintstone" feet...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

5 Most Common Foot or Ankle Injuries

Did you know that foot and ankle issues bring millions of Americans into their local podiatrist's office each year?

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

5 Common Summer Foot Problems

Summer is in full swing, which means fun in the sun filled with plenty of opportunities to show off your feet. Be careful, summertime can be rough on your feet and cause an increase in foot and ankle problems...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Solution To Knee & Foot Pain Post Quarantine

Since the stay at home orders were put into effect, there have been numerous concerns voiced by patients dealing with the pain from the feet up to the knee...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Favorite Shoe Choices For Summer

With Summer upon us, flip flops seem fitting for the warmer weather. Before you slip into a pair of flimsy sandals, you might want to consider options that provide proper arch support and comfortability...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Your Feet and COVID-19

You're practicing good community care by staying home, you may even be walking more or picking up some new at home exercise routines so why are your feet hurting?

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

What Causes Neuromas In Feet | Neuromas In Foot Symptoms

Neuromas are described with a few key words and phrases: Pain, discomfort and the feeling that a sock is bunched up under your foot...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

What Causes Wide Feet? | Wide Feet Shoes

There are various causes associated with having wide feet that include genetics, age, foot deformities, improper footwear, and swelling

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

The Truth About Bunion Surgery and Pain | Bunion Surgery Explained

You've heard of bunions, maybe you even have one or two yourself. These unsightly protrusions can cause pain, difficulty in finding comfortable shoes and foot wear and even problems with walking...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

What Are Ankle Foot Orthotics? | AFO | Ankle Foot Orthotic Brace

Some of the more common reasons for using an AFO are drop foot, severe flat foot with posterior tibial tendonitis, arthritis or any other major foot deformity...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

What Is A Bunion (Hallux Valgus)? What causes bunions and common bunion treatments

A bunion, also known as hallux abducto valgus, is a result of the first metatarsal in the foot drifting medially or towards the midline and the big toe drifting in the opposite direction or laterally...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

What's Pronation Of The Foot? | Can Pronation Be Corrected?

Pronation occurs in the rearfoot when we land with walking or running and is essentially our built in shock absorber...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Arthritis In Big Toe Joint

Treatment for big toe joint arthritis includes non-surgical and surgical options. The first thing to try is shoe modification. Supportive shoes with a large toe box and stiff rocker sole is recommended

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Plantar Fasciiits Prevention | How Plantar Fasciitis Develops

The plantar fascia region experiences a lot of wear and tear in your daily life that can lead to a burning on the bottom of the foot...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Toenail Fungus Symptoms | How Toenail Fungus Grows

Summer is just around the corner and you may want to think twice before lounging barefoot and breaking out your flip-flops. With water activities and heatwaves comes dreaded toenail fungus...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Athlete's Foot Prevention | How Athlete's Foot Is Treated

A common misconception about Athlete's foot is that it's always itchy. This is a false assumption. If you notice redness, dry patches and scaling skin on your feet, have it checked out, it could be Athlete's Foot...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Solutions For High Arched Feet | How To Fix High Arched Feet

Cavus foot can occur in one or both feet and can develop at any age. Although pain is the most frequent symptom of high arched feet, nonsurgical treatment will most likely resolve the issue if proactive steps are taken early on...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Can Plantar Fasciitis Be Cured? | Plantar Fasciitis Heel Pain

Do you have a sharp pain on the bottom of your foot near your heel when you first step down in the morning? The number one cause of heel pain in the US is a condition called Plantar Fasciitis...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Can Flat Feet Be Corrected? | Flat Feet Causes

18 million people in the United States suffer from flat feet; you can take proactive steps to both treat and prevent your fallen arches from worsening. The first step is identifying the root condition and problem...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

What Is Ball Of Foot Pain? | How To Help Ball Of Foot Pain

Shoe heel height is directly proportional to the amount of pressure that goes throughout the forefoot. The higher the heel, the more pressure. Even an athletic shoe that is too flexible can cause abnormally high pressure through the foot...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Treatment Of Toe Fractures | Toe Fracture Care

I hear this all the time: I'm not going to the doctor because I know there is nothing that can be done for my toe fracture." That is not true; it's time we dispel this myth. In fact, if you don't pay your doctor a visit when you have a fractured toe, serious complications may develop...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Are Cold Feet Normal? | Cold Feet Remedy

It's important to never ignore any symptoms, especially with cold feet. As they may only be causing mild discomfort, if they are accompanied by tingling sensations or the skin turning white or blue, cold feet may be the symptom of an underlying health issue that needs medical attention...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Prevent Foot Problems Before They Begin | Foot Problems And Solutions

Doc, I wish I knew earlier" Implementing healthy habits now can prevent long-term foot problems before they begin. There are four major preventative steps that patients can take right now to ensure healthy feet and prevent general and prolonged foot problems:

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Big Toe Joint Arthritis | What Causes Arthritis In Big Toe joint?

One of the most common problems that I see is arthritis of the big toe joint. Arthritis is a joint disorder that is caused by the thinning or absence of cartilage in the joint...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

What Causes Peripheral Neuropathy | Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Numbness of the feet can be caused by a number things, however, one of the most common causes of foot numbness is called peripheral neuropathy...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Common Changes In The Aging Foot | Aging and Foot Care

We get older. Our bodies get older. There is nothing we can do about it but accept it and become knowledgeable about the changes that happen in our bodies, including our feet...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Seven Steps To Resolve Heel Pain or Plantar Fasciitis | Plantar Fasciitis Explained

The Plantar Fascia is the thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot. Plantar Fasciitis occurs when this tissue is torn or inflamed...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

How To Prevent Bunions | Bunion Prevention | Prevent Bunions

There are ways to relieve the pain bunions cause and prevent them from getting worse. Here is how to cope with that discomfort you may be feeling...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

8 Reasons For Swollen Feet And Ankles

When you take your shoes off and notice your toes and feet look puffy and may even feel stiff, you could be experiencing swelling. Swollen feet are a common problem that affects people of all ages...

By Dr. Jeffrey S Hurless, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon/Podiatrist

Aging Foot Care For Seniors | Aging Feet

Instead of abiding by the faulty but commonly accepted notion that muscle and joint discomfort is a natural consequence of aging, seniors with foot problems should seek treatment rather than needlessly endure pain

Old Ankle Sprains Increase Injury Risk for Newly Active Baby Boomers

many who have suffered ankle sprains in the past could be at risk for more serious damage as they age and try to stay in good physical condition

How To Repair Cracked Heels | What Causes Cracked Heels?

With warm weather approaching comes beach walks and backyard barbeques. The poolside sandals are broken out for summer attire and the innocent barefoot wandering begins. With this, comes cracked heels and callused feet

How Edema Is Formed | Edema Or Swelling Causes

Edema is the medical term for swelling and there are many potential reasons to have edema or swelling of the foot and/or ankle...

Can Hammertoe Be Corrected? | Hammertoe Treatment

There are many causes of hammertoes and the most common seen in medical offices is usually called biomechanical" cause...

Are Fallen Arches a Real Foot Problem?

Are "fallen arches" an actual foot disorder, or just a catch phrase used to describe chronically sore feet?

How do you select Shoes for Foot Conditions? | Shoes For Foot Pain

A guide to finding the perfect fit the most important characteristics to look for in a shoe, that will help your bunions, hammertoes, plantar fasciitis, or whatever is the cause of your daily foot pain

Expert Advice

Many of these articles are written by our founder and Medical Director, Dr. Jeffrey S. Hurless, a board-certified podiatrist and orthopedic surgeon who’s one of the most trusted authorities in his field. Every article is crafted to be relevant, accurate, helpful, and easy to understand. So if you struggle with foot discomfort and you don’t know where to begin, we have resources to help you improve your foot health right now.

In addition to our podiatry blog, we also have other informational resources on our site, including our Shoe Fitting Guide, Men’s Shoe Width Chart, and Women’s Shoe Width Chart. Browse our Resource Center to browse dozens of links related to shoe sizing, general foot care, and specific foot conditions.

Get the Relief You’re Looking For

Our goal is to help you find the shoes you need to live with maximum comfort and independence. Don’t let foot discomfort slow you down any longer! Shop our collection at